On 11th February 2023, members of the Zambian security forces violently evicted approximately 500 members of a fishing community that were living on Jeremiah Island on Lake Kariba, Siavonga District. During the eviction, four community members were arrested and detained, and approximately 100 individuals sustained injuries. The community’s belongings, including fishing equipment and cash, were destroyed. Since their eviction, the displaced persons have not been provided with alternative accommodation or compensation and have lost their means of livelihood. The affected persons are further denied fishing rights.
The forced violent evictions on Jeremiah Island highlight serious concerns about human rights violations and the displacement of communities. Such actions disrupt lives, harm local economies, and create long-lasting trauma. It is crucial to prioritize peaceful resolutions and respect for land rights to ensure justice and dignity for all. For more insights on human rights and sustainable solutions, visit Telkom University